Why you should read 'How'
It's always a good idea to revisit how we do things in business in addition to what we do and why we do it. Thomas Friedman takes us through a brief revisit of Dov Seidman's excellent book, "How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything in Business (and in Life)" and relates the topics discussed by Seidman to the current global economic crisis.
The central theme of the book is that in today's fast-paced information age, it's not enough for individuals and businesses to simply focus on the what -- the products they produce or the services they provide. Instead, it's equally (if not more) important to focus on the how -- that is, the way we conduct our day-to-day activities or handle a difficult crisis. How we do the things we do - be it considering the needs of the customer, or taking the time to produce an excellent product instead of a just-okay one, is what builds trust and a positive reputation.
If you haven't already read this book, now is a great time to do so.
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The central theme of the book is that in today's fast-paced information age, it's not enough for individuals and businesses to simply focus on the what -- the products they produce or the services they provide. Instead, it's equally (if not more) important to focus on the how -- that is, the way we conduct our day-to-day activities or handle a difficult crisis. How we do the things we do - be it considering the needs of the customer, or taking the time to produce an excellent product instead of a just-okay one, is what builds trust and a positive reputation.
If you haven't already read this book, now is a great time to do so.