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Thoughts on eliminating stress

In his recent article, Management guide John Reh writes of some key ways to reduce your stress at work. He mentions the kinds of things we hear about often: learning not to sweat the small stuff, exercising and taking personal breaks or time-outs to recompose yourself, and improving your time-management and organizational skills, among others.

These are all great tips, and while its not always possible to put all of his suggestions into practice right away, it's important to at least start with one or two of these actions. When describing the tip on improving time-management skills, Reh notes the importance of learning to say 'no' when there's already too much on your plate.

Learning how to say no is an important skill; however for many of you, it won't address the current stressors and issues related to the things that are on your plate right now. So, the question then becomes, how do we improve our processes and work-flows to become more productive and successful and allow us not to lose our composure when new events and situations arise causing us to re-prioritize our activities?

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