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Tips for Entrepreneurs: Mastering the Pitch

Having the ability to deliver a concise and effective sales pitch is an absolute must for entrepreneurs. In his article, "Learning to throw," Canadian Business magazine columnist Jeff Daniels provides some good advice for those wishing to perfect their delivery to potential investors, such as: explaining who you are and what "pains" your company is addressing; what solution you are offering to address this pain; what your business model and competitive advantages are; and how you are going to reach your customers and assess the external environment and your competitors.

If you are looking to hone your sales pitch skills, read the article here. Additionally, you may want to explore some other web resources which make the process of coming up with an effective sales pitch all the more easier. The website 15SecondPitch offers the ability to quickly put together an introduction that summarizes who you are and what you can offer. Try it out here.

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