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Achieve success (by breaking the rules)

Here's an interesting article from Fortune discussing some of the myths about success that companies routinely believe in, and how, by abandoning these myths and breaking with convention, organizations can achieve real success.

According to the article, there are five ways that organizations can shake things up by either reinventing their businesses (or even their entire industries, ala the CEO of Nike, Phil Knight). They are:
  • Hire new voices
  • Have new conversations
  • Have new perspectives
  • Have new passions
  • Experiment!
The article mentions how Nokia helped to shake things within its organization by providing its employees with fresh new perspectives:
"For example, Nokia, a Finnish company that makes cellular phones and is based at the edge of the Arctic, may be ill-positioned to track lifestyle trends on the other side of the planet-trends that could ultimately redefine its industry. One possible solution-send Finnish engineers to Venice Beach in California, down Kings Road in London, or to other places on the planet where new lifestyle trends get set. Immerse those engineers in the new cultural milieu; change their experience base. Mining the world for ideas has helped Nokia invent new approaches. One example: Nokia engineers devised the idea of colorful -- bright red, yellow, and blue -- phones, which opened a whole new market for the company."

Read the full article here.

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